All Rhino Linings formulations are 100% solids and environmentally friendly, containing no VOCs or CFCs.
Companies in many industries have spent millions of dollars in maintenance and repairs by extending the life of their equipment and facilities with Rhino Linings. Even in punishing working conditions, Rhino Linings protects structures from premature deterioration and machinery from unnecessary wear and breakdowns.
Our proprietary spray systems can be made mobile for off-site jobs. The application is safe and quick, and Rhino Linings can be sprayed to any thickness. With Tack-free cure times of less than a minute, downtime of your operations is reduced to a minimum.
Rhino Linings industrial floor coatings do everything our commercial products do and so much more. Install in temperatures as low as 32 degrees F. Resistant to ammonium hydroxide, brake fluid, anti-freeze, Skydrol® (aviation hydraulic fluid), and gasoline. Ideal for factory floors, airport hangars, and commercial garages.
Industrial applications:
- Automotive
- Hospitals
- Manufacturing Plants
- Power plants
- Prisons
- Schools
- Zoo & Veterinary facilities
- Waste water plants
- Retail Stores
- Hotels/Casinos
- Commercial Kitchens
Rhino Linings offers a level of protection, unlike any alternative coating, whether you’re lining slurry tanks, pipelines, material chutes, warehouse floors, food storage facilities, veterinary facilities, or secondary containment structures.

Our Location
Our team takes extra precautions to secure the utmost bond, strength, and durability of the Rhino Linings products.
Conveniently located in Auburn, Washington.